Inktober 2020

Every October, Jake Parker puts out a list of art prompts for the world. Anyone can do Inktober. These are the only rules:

  1. Make a drawing in ink. You may use pencil first but must be finished in ink

  2. Post it (on social media or your refrigerator)

  3. Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2020

  4. Repeat

You can do a drawing a day, every other day, or just once a week. The point is to be consistent, to grow and improve, and form positive habits.

This is my third year of completing all 31 days. It takes discipline, a dedicated working area, and support from friends and family. Some of the prompts are difficult to interpret into my art style so I get creative, but that’s part of the challenge. They're not all perfect or suitable for framing (ink is not my forte), but that’s not the point. The point is to share your art with someone.


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